Coletivo Lab.25, Apparatus, 2021
Coletivo Lab.25, Apparatus, 2021
Mariana Fogaça. S/ título, 2021. Black and white film 120mm. Experimental development with Caffenol
Mariana Fogaça. S/ título, 2021. Black and white film 120mm. Experimental development with Caffenol
Rita de Almeida Leite, 2021. Quimigrama, Ilford Multigrade FB Paper, 12x9 cm
Rita de Almeida Leite, 2021. Quimigrama, Ilford Multigrade FB Paper, 12x9 cm
  • October 12 - May 31

Tropismo Fotográfico is an artistic residency that focuses on the renovation of the very space that hosts it — the Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, revisiting its history and archive, proposing a critical look, a rethinking of this place of artistic production and creation, of its links and connections with the city and its possible future configurations.

Following the 2018-2019 residency in the context of the first edition of the Bienal de Fotografia do Porto, in 2020-2021 we go back to the original theme, the plot of land acquired to expand the Faculty’s installations. In the last two years, the old buildings that occupied it — a factory, a small palace and some poor houses have been transformed to incorporate other functions and act as support buildings for the rehabilitation works of the Sculpture and Painting Pavilion, like the plaster workshop inside the palace or the containers being used as studios by students.

This theme is expanded by the research project Ecology of Image (I2ADS), which focuses on the search for sustainable and biodegradable alternative processes in the development of film and photographic paper, claiming other ways and meanings for the creation of images and rethinking the ecological implications of their production.

Ana Vieira de Castro, Colectivo Lab.25 (Álvaro Oliveira, Miguel Teodoro, Rodrigo Machado and Rui Mota), Mariana Fogaça and Rita Almeida Leite have participated in the residency.

Orientation: Susana Lourenço Marques

Invited specialists: José Carneiro, Jorge Ricardo Pinto, Luis Pinto Nunes, Tiago Assis, João Lima, Tiago Pinho, Inês Moreira, Vera Lúcia Carmo, Virgílio Ferreira

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