The Horizon is Moving Nearer
  • Centro Português de Fotografia
  • May 14 - June 20

Love Above All Else (2020) is a video work created from the repeated writing of the words ‘Love’ and ‘I Love You’, drawn double-handedly for brain balancing. Beneath the scribbles is an underlayer of love’s opposite: a combination of fourteen photographs depicting war, racism, poverty, disease, terrorism, global warming, mass shootings, ethnic cleansing, displaced refugees, religious conflicts, enforced family separations, hurricanes, fires and famine. Together, these constitute one disruptive, apocalyptic image, but one that has been lightened so that it is barely visible – as if the totality of all human suffering is disappearing. Love Above All Else represents the power of love in triumphing over the earth’s current malaise.

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